A soul at rest in God

But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth (John 16:13) "Holy Spirit, guide me...guide us into the truth of Your restfulness. Unveil our spiritual eyes to see the enamouring falsehoods around us, that feed the compulsive spirit within us. Would you give us the desire, grace and courage to renew ways of relating to You, to ourselves and to others - so that we may truly enter into Your rest. Expand our hearts to receive your gift of this meditation. In Jesus name we pray, Amen". How are you doing? "I'm well, my soul is at rest in God". I might be tempted to express this response for real when asked - if it hasn't already been uttered - as God increasingly meets me in expansive spaces of restedness within. Wow. What a testimony this could be - of God's goodness over the typical 'okay-lor or surviving-lah' lines. Rest. Reflecting on what the Word says opens the door to visits from some familiar comfort...