Active-waiting - a divine remedy for MCO and beyond

Waiting - has become for me such an unnatural posture. I sit quietly and stare at the distorted, worldly mould of an impatient heart eager for results and immediacy. Searching within, I find this to be neither a case of un-delayed gratification nor of petulant demands. It concerns healthy thy-kingdom come desires and a deeper longing to understand "wait" according to biblical tenets. With outstretched arms, I hold out the vision of a beautiful new normal beyond COVID-19, secure upon the foundation of waiting upon God. This life is one fully lived in the present moment - watchful and urgent yet at-ease and filled with expectant hope. What we could simply call 'active-waiting'. This falls farther from Noah's precarious 40 or 150-days in the ark, and much closer to Simeon and Anna's experiences. In their words and actions - with unmistakable and careful revelation - we can resonate with a lifelong posture of waiting in devotion to God. ...a man called Sime...